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This Privacy Policy of Blue Sky Uranium Corp. (the “Company”) was developed in compliance with British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act (“PIPA”) and (as applicable) the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”), and sets forth how the Company gathers, manages, protects and disposes of the personal information of members of the public, clients and employees.

Personal Information Defined

Personal information is defined in PIPA as information about an identifiable individual such as someone’s name, home address, social insurance number, sex, income or family status.

Contact Information means information that would enable an individual to be contacted at a place of business and includes name, position name or title, business telephone number, business address, business email or business fax number. Contact information is not covered by this policy or PIPA.

Employee personal information is information that is collected, used or disclosed solely for the purposes reasonably required to establish, maintain, manage or terminate an employment relationship between the Company and its employees.

Collection of Personal Information

In accordance with securities and exchange regulations, the Company collects personal information on subscription agreements and shareholder documents. Personal information is also collected when clients (or members of the public who are potential clients) complete and submit a request for information form through the Company website.

In addition, employee personal information is collected by the Company during the interview and hiring process, and throughout the employee’s employment with the Company (such as in performance reviews), and in order to allow the employee to enrol in the Company’s benefit plans. In circumstances where personal information is collected by a third party (such as an insurance company) related to benefit plans offered by the Company, the collection of that information by such third party will be governed by the third party’s privacy policy.

Use of Personal Information

The Company will only collect and use personal information that is necessary to fulfill the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy and in accordance with PIPA.


Prospective client and shareholder personal information obtained on subscription agreements or other documents is disclosed only in accordance with securities regulations and only with the prior consent of the client or shareholder. Personal information received through the Company website will not be disclosed to anyone outside the Company unless the client/shareholder has specifically authorized such disclosure, or unless the Company is otherwise required to do so by law.

PIPA allows the Company to disclose employee personal information, without consent, if it is reasonable for the purposes of establishing, managing or terminating the employment relationship.

Retention and Security

Personal information received from shareholders is retained in secure filing cabinets at the corporate offices of the Company for a minimum of one year. Expired shareholder contracts and other documents containing personal information that is no longer valid are moved to secure storage at the offices of Grosso Group Management Ltd. and are held for five years or until the transaction for which the information was obtained is completed. Once the purpose for which the information was obtained is fulfilled, forms containing personal information are destroyed.

Personal information received through the Company’s website is stored on a secure database with restricted access. The database is reviewed annually and information received more than a year prior to the review is purged. Clients and shareholders may request the removal of their personal information from the database at any time by sending an email to the Company and the information will be immediately deleted from the database.

Employee personal information is maintained in a secure filing cabinet located in the offices of Grosso Group Management Ltd. Former employee files are kept in secure storage for up to five years and then destroyed.

Privacy Officer

Any requests to access personal information or requests for information regarding this policy should be directed to:

Privacy Officer

Telephone: 604-687-1828

Fax: 604-687-1858

Email: privacyofficer@grossogroup.com

Any questions or complaints about the Company’s collection, use or disclosure of personal information either through the website or through other documents should also be sent to the Privacy Officer.


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